object FrmFind: TFrmFind Left = 383 Top = 283 BorderIcons = [] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'Search Messages' ClientHeight = 386 ClientWidth = 564 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter Scaled = False OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 120 TextHeight = 16 object PnlTop: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 297 Height = 343 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object Label6: TLabel Left = 13 Top = 66 Width = 38 Height = 16 Caption = 'for text' end object Label8: TLabel Left = 9 Top = 40 Width = 43 Height = 16 Caption = 'Search' end object Label12: TLabel Left = 33 Top = 10 Width = 235 Height = 16 Caption = 'Find messages that match the following:' end object Image1: TImage Left = 8 Top = 10 Width = 16 Height = 16 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object Image2: TImage Left = 8 Top = 116 Width = 16 Height = 16 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object Image3: TImage Left = 26 Top = 116 Width = 16 Height = 16 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object cbFindHeader: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 88 Top = 36 Width = 199 Height = 22 AutoCompletion = True DropDownCount = 22 Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = -1 ItemHeight = 16 Style = csOwnerDrawVariable TabOrder = 0 OnChange = cbFindHeaderChange OnDrawItem = cbFindHeaderDrawItem OnMeasureItem = cbFindHeaderMeasureItem end object cbFindText: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 88 Top = 62 Width = 199 Height = 24 AutoCompletion = True Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = -1 ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 1 end object cbFindCase: TElCheckBox Left = 89 Top = 89 Width = 128 Height = 20 Cursor = crDefault Checked = True Flat = True State = cbChecked Caption = '&Ignore letter case' TabOrder = 2 Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBtnText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False DoubleBuffered = False end object cbRelate: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 48 Top = 112 Width = 220 Height = 24 AutoCompletion = False Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = 0 ItemHeight = 16 Style = csDropDownList TabOrder = 3 Text = 'No additional conditions' OnChange = cbRelateChange Items.Strings = ( 'No additional conditions' 'Do not find if' 'And if' 'Or if') end object PnlSearch2: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 142 Width = 293 Height = 109 BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 4 object Image4: TImage Left = 26 Top = 84 Width = 16 Height = 16 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object Image5: TImage Left = 8 Top = 84 Width = 16 Height = 16 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True end object Label2: TLabel Left = 9 Top = 8 Width = 43 Height = 16 Caption = 'Search' end object Label4: TLabel Left = 13 Top = 34 Width = 38 Height = 16 Caption = 'for text' end object cbRelate2: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 48 Top = 80 Width = 220 Height = 24 AutoCompletion = False Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = 0 ItemHeight = 16 Style = csDropDownList TabOrder = 3 Text = 'No additional conditions' OnChange = cbRelate2Change Items.Strings = ( 'No additional conditions' 'Do not find if' 'And if' 'Or if') end object cbFindCase2: TElCheckBox Left = 89 Top = 57 Width = 128 Height = 20 Cursor = crDefault Checked = True Flat = True State = cbChecked Caption = 'Ignore letter case' TabOrder = 2 Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBtnText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False DoubleBuffered = False end object cbFindText2: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 88 Top = 30 Width = 199 Height = 24 AutoCompletion = True Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = -1 ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 1 end object cbFindHeader2: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 88 Top = 4 Width = 199 Height = 22 AutoCompletion = True DropDownCount = 22 Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = -1 ItemHeight = 16 Style = csOwnerDrawVariable TabOrder = 0 OnChange = cbFindHeaderChange OnDrawItem = cbFindHeaderDrawItem OnMeasureItem = cbFindHeaderMeasureItem end end object PnlSearch3: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 251 Width = 293 Height = 84 BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 5 object Label9: TLabel Left = 9 Top = 8 Width = 43 Height = 16 Caption = 'Search' end object Label10: TLabel Left = 13 Top = 34 Width = 38 Height = 16 Caption = 'for text' end object cbFindCase3: TElCheckBox Left = 89 Top = 57 Width = 128 Height = 20 Cursor = crDefault Checked = True Flat = True State = cbChecked Caption = 'Ignore letter case' TabOrder = 2 Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBtnText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False DoubleBuffered = False end object cbFindText3: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 88 Top = 30 Width = 199 Height = 24 AutoCompletion = True Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = -1 ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 1 end object cbFindHeader3: TElAdvancedComboBox Left = 88 Top = 4 Width = 199 Height = 22 AutoCompletion = True DropDownCount = 22 Flat = False HandleDialogKeys = False HorizontalScroll = False ItemIndex = -1 ItemHeight = 16 Style = csOwnerDrawVariable TabOrder = 0 OnChange = cbFindHeaderChange OnDrawItem = cbFindHeaderDrawItem OnMeasureItem = cbFindHeaderMeasureItem end end end object PnlMid: TPanel Left = 297 Top = 0 Width = 267 Height = 343 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 object Label1: TLabel Left = 13 Top = 54 Width = 133 Height = 16 Caption = 'Perform the search on:' end object LblSpeed: TLabel Left = 12 Top = 23 Width = 149 Height = 16 Caption = 'Estimated search speed:' end object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 5 Height = 343 Align = alLeft Shape = bsLeftLine end object LblCurrent: TLabel Left = 152 Top = 190 Width = 5 Height = 16 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False end object Label3: TLabel Left = 22 Top = 190 Width = 117 Height = 16 Caption = 'Currently searching:' end object LblNumber: TLabel Left = 152 Top = 216 Width = 5 Height = 16 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False end object Label5: TLabel Left = 22 Top = 216 Width = 108 Height = 16 Caption = 'Message number:' end object LblFound: TLabel Left = 152 Top = 243 Width = 5 Height = 16 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Visible = False end object Label7: TLabel Left = 22 Top = 243 Width = 41 Height = 16 Caption = 'Found:' Visible = False end object cbSearchAll: TElRadioButton Left = 28 Top = 78 Width = 104 Height = 20 Cursor = crDefault Caption = '&all mailboxes' TabOrder = 0 DoubleBuffered = False end object cbSearchCurrent: TElRadioButton Left = 28 Top = 100 Width = 115 Height = 20 Cursor = crDefault Caption = 'c&urrent mailbox' TabOrder = 1 DoubleBuffered = False end object cbSearchFolder: TElRadioButton Left = 28 Top = 122 Width = 200 Height = 20 Cursor = crDefault Caption = 'current and &nested mailboxes' TabOrder = 2 DoubleBuffered = False end object cbEmpty: TElCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 156 Width = 204 Height = 20 Cursor = crDefault Caption = '&Empty previous search results' TabOrder = 3 DoubleBuffered = False end end object PnlBottom: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 343 Width = 564 Height = 43 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 2 DesignSize = ( 564 43) object BtnCancel: TButton Left = 371 Top = 3 Width = 90 Height = 33 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = BtnCancelClick end object BtnClose: TButton Left = 465 Top = 3 Width = 90 Height = 33 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] Cancel = True Caption = '&Close' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = BtnCloseClick end object BtnFind: TButton Left = 240 Top = 3 Width = 123 Height = 33 Cancel = True Caption = '&Search' Default = True TabOrder = 2 OnClick = BtnFindClick end end end